We’re making a social-emotional impact and giving people the tools they need to thrive!
Studies show that the presence of an animal can lower anxiety, motivate therapy participation and cultivate self-awareness in nonverbal or socially isolated children. That’s proof positive that dogs and their humans can be a force for good.
Animal-assisted therapies have been proven to:
Promote competence and expand impulse control
Heighten the capacity for love and empathy
Facilitate trust and understanding
Even through virtual sessions participants:
Have the opportunity to enhance their self esteem
Cope with feelings of uncertainty
Practice receiving feedback
Teachers who integrated pets into the classroom reported the following improvements:
Social interactions in the classroom 70%
Behavioral issues 60%
Class participation 55%
And it’s a cost-effective approach:
Every $1 invested in social emotional learning yields $11 in long-term benefits
1. Fine AH. Animal-assisted therapy: theoretical foundations and guidelines for practice. San Diego, CA: Academic Press; 2002. Ganzert RR, McCullough A. Pets in the classroom: phase 1 findings report. American Humane Association. Washington, D.C. 2015.3. Belfield C, Brooks B, Klapp A, et al. The economic value of social and emotional learning. 2015.